Procru Software Company

Maple Grove, MN

Company Details
Maple Grove, MN

What if there was a business solution for your company that provided:

1. Customer relationship management system that tracked client the way you want or should.

2. Provided estimating/proposal building and could provide auto bidding.

3. Gave custom client insights for every proposal and job performed

4. Empowered company with a scheduling system for increased production and client communication and confidence.

5. Provided phone app for labor time keeping and pushed production schedule to employees daily work load.

6. Provided you with the direct costing tools using technology interfaces, phones/I pads.

7. Provides a unique dashboard for what each employee needs for their responsibilities to the company.

8. Programmable to send sales and schedule auto reminders to staff and clients for results and sales with unmatched communication.

9. Allows you to know today what your gross profit is thru yesterday for the day, month, year.

10 Provides decision makers with reports to run the business and know real time what is needed to make decisions.

That and much more is offered by PROcru Dashboard Insights its more then software.. its a business solution.

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