Indianapolis, IN 46240
PoreShield SME-PS is a revolutionary concrete durability enhancer that works below the surface to protect all densities of concrete, new or old. PoreShield is not a sealant or a coating. Instead of forming a seal on the surface, PoreShield is absorbed deep into concrete pores, protecting concrete from premature damage. Created from a partnership between the Indiana Soybean Alliance and Purdue University, PoreShield is proven to stop deterioration in existing concrete infrastructure, making concrete last five-to-nine times longer. And as a preventative measure, PoreShield stands alone – providing maximum protection while reducing maintenance costs, replacements rates, and even lowering the carbon footprint with a non-toxic and hazard-free product profile.
Learn more at www.poreshield.com.
PoreShield for Joint Treatment:
PoreShield for Bridges: