A typical payroll company will deduct your payroll from your business account on Wednesday, 2 days before a Friday payroll. Consequently, the payroll company has the use of your funds for those days with absolutely no benefit to you. However, with a funded payroll through an employee of record can pay your payroll on Friday and invoice you 7-10 days later, thereby allowing you the use of your funds to re-invest your money in our business as you see fit.
This Digging Deeper podcast episode features Gil Aleman and Roy Mullman from HKA Enterprises. HKA have been providing HR and IT solutions to companies across multiple industries from aerospace and defense, architecture and engineering, and look to continue to reach further into the construction industry.
Digging Deeper is a podcast series highlighting various aspects of the construction industry, including the equipment, people, companies and associations making it all happen. Click here to access more episodes.