Asphalt Drum Mixers (ADM) WOA 2024

Visit ADM at World of Asphalt, Booth 2429, where expert personnel they will be on hand to personally consult with you and help you find just the right asphalt plant for your operation.

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Talk with ADM specialists about how ADM can customize your asphalt plant with any of the company’s wide-range of components, compatible with other manufacturers’ asphalt plants, as well as ADM plants, for maximum versatility.  

ADM EX 7636 

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The ADM EX 7636 with its 76-in. drum diameter and 36-ft. drum length. Like all ADM EX Series counterflow asphalt plants (120-425 TPH), the EX 7636 is designed for maximum asphalt production and can handle up to 50% RAP. Counterflow technology captures residual gases and reintroduces them back to the combustion zone, practically eliminating blue smoke and hydrocarbon emissions to meet strict environmental regulations. 

With single-drum counterflow technology, EX Series plants also achieve maximum heat transfer and fuel efficiency through separate drying and mixing zones. This works to provide the longest aggregates drying and mixing times in the industry and ensures consistent, quality asphalt that meets all federal and state specifications.

ADM’s wide range of components include HMA storage and surge systems, control rooms and process controls, aggregate feed systems, emissions control equipment, filler and dust silo equipment, liquid asphalt storage, additive systems, and specialty tanks. 
